Royal Hotel Randwick w Randwick

AustraliaRoyal Hotel Randwick



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Perouse Road, 2031, Randwick, Randwick City Council, AU Australia
kontakt telefon: +61 2 9399 3006
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -33.9183425, Longitude: 151.241894

komentarze 5

  • Andrew Holmes

    Andrew Holmes


    Beautifully restored pub. Lovely rooms, great beer and food. We will be back on our next trip to the Big Smoke

  • Nutela Adlitel

    Nutela Adlitel


    Ohhhh this place was so nice and modern! Walked in through the main doors to a beautiful crystal HUGE chandelier and lovely carpet steps up to the perfect rooms. Everything is secured by tap cards only guests get one and the room is all brand new, very comfy bed and amenities. Loved it! Thank you so much for a well needed night of rest !!!

  • en

    Stephen Kent


    Spent the last 4 nights here. One of the best hotels I’ve ever stayed at. Well designed rooms with very comfortable beds, excellent bathrooms with good shower pressure. Extremely clean. Great Pub food available downstairs. The rooms are also super quiet.

  • Jae B

    Jae B


    Second time I have stayed here (2015 + 2017, review from two years ago below), and the accommodation is still great. The rooms are super clean, although some of the bed linen now has small stains. The bed and pillows are comfortable, and the bathroom is great (especially having four towels!). The rooms can be quite small, but for the location, cost and quality, this wasn't a bother at all. Although you cannot hear people in the next rooms, you can clearly hear everything in the hall. However, once everyone turns in for the night the place is dead quite. The hotel has live music Friday and Saturday nights, but this is also a non-issue as you don't hear a peep from downstairs. The staff are super friendly and helpful as well, both at reception and the bar. The bistro has a good mix of food options, but the green curry is super rich and has way too much fish sauce added. I'll definitely be back. ORIGINAL REVIEW (2 YEARS AGO) ------------- Very clean, modern and comfortable. They have done an amazing job with upgrading the hotel rooms. Beds are super comfy, location is perfect, and the food downstairs is pretty good.

  • Amol Gupta

    Amol Gupta



najbliższy Bar

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