Shaver Shop i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienShaver Shop



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111-117, Rundle Mall, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8223 1094
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.923238, Longitude: 138.6038207

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Stiles


    I was in there for over 5 mins, staff member couldn't be bothered to serve me, so I left.

  • Anton Phan

    Anton Phan


    male attendant was on the phone the entire time and wouldn't even acknowledge I was there and waiting to be served so I left

  • en

    Trev Harlow


    Paid $100 for replacement Philips shaver head and was blunt within 12-months even after using shaver oil and deep cleanse unit. Cheap Chinese copies are far more robust - my old (now current) Chinese head unit shaves way better than Philips one and is 3-years old. Footnote - contacted Philips Aust about this who said a) blades are self-sharpening (i.e shaver guard doesn't prevent blunting) and b) were disappointed with Shaver Shop service and have sent me another head-unit for free!. Boycott Shaver Shop in future - you bet!

  • Fresh & Spicy

    Fresh & Spicy


    laughed when I said I needed a shave... neckbeards count too okay!

  • Tristan Feng

    Tristan Feng


    Have advice and recommendations for your specific needs and never coax you into buying more expensive shavers, etc.

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