Target i Cairns

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Mulgrave Road, 4870, Cairns, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4037 6100
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Latitude: -16.9439921, Longitude: 145.7409476

kommentar 5

  • en

    Trevor Bryant


    Fast friendly efficient service...

  • Natasha Morrow

    Natasha Morrow


    Good range of products here as far as Target goes. Never had an issue shopping here; however, more checkout staff are needed as the wait time in queue is often quite long. Otherwise, great place to shop.

  • en

    sindy lola


    Went in today to try by an iphone and there was no staff at all on the floor. The only two people I saw after looking for 10 minutes was the door greeter who has her back turned towards the customers anyways and the checkout person. Will stick to Big W where there is actually staff around to help.

  • Matthew Hermes

    Matthew Hermes


    Good range of products. Fair prices.

  • en

    Zillah Tuttle


    Its a bit sad. All targets staff are getting redundant. Theses are the staff who knew their job. . you could ask then a question an they would be right on it for you. Was looking for colouring books for adults not much range. Live the big an little boys clothes. I buy a lit if stuff from target. If its a real dear item I can lay by it

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