The Playford Hotel i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienThe Playford Hotel



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120, North Terrace, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8213 8888
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Latitude: -34.9221987, Longitude: 138.5961954

kommentar 5

  • Amy Pha

    Amy Pha


    Had my formal here and it was a fantastic venue! The staff were extremely patient with us especially when taking photos and the venue is just gorgeous! It's a bit pricey, but worth it for that special night.

  • Kat Kennewell

    Kat Kennewell


    This is a brilliant place to be. Want a nice cocktail? Come to the lounge. Sit in comfy sofas and sip a mixed drink, a wine or a beer. Want a delicious meal? Walk past the sofas to a comfortable mezzanine dining space. Either way, you'll leave happy.

  • Samar Chopra

    Samar Chopra


    The hotel is centrally located ear a train station, in the city close to the Convention Centre and Adelaide Oval. Some staff are helpful and the hotel is very nice. Has a renaissance decor and goes for a regal feel. The room was clean, comfortable and spacious. No issues there. My breakfast experience was disappointing. The breakfast is overrated. I have definitely had better. It was part of the room but in order to have breakfast, you had to book a time. This is disappointing. I have been to 3, 4, and 5 star hotels, none have ever asked me to book. This removes the feel of service and alters to control. The response was (we don't have the tables). Alternatively I had to take breakfast in my room which was small additional service fee. On Mothers day, similar thing, when it could only be served between 6-8 because they were keeping the tables for mothers day. I can somehow understand this, but whats the use of being a customer. This didn't only happen to me, it happened to 8 people in front of me. In addition, I would like to add that The Playford contacted me in relation to the review and took the feedback with grace. They were not informed of this scenario and will work with the teams to improve this. I am grateful for this and would definitely now return to the hotel. As stated, everything was really nice.

  • en

    Rob Currell


    Stayed here for a few nights last month. Amazing experience, breakfast is a little hyped but still good. Staff were helpful, room and facilities were amazing. Cleaning staff were lovely to talk to and very pleasant.

  • Tony Ridley

    Tony Ridley


    $200 deposit! Wake up to 2018 people. I've paid for my accommodation, not making addition investments in your business. Loft style rooms are outstanding but the decor is gaudy and reminiscent of rooms in China in the late 1990s. This theme is reflected throughout the hotel though.

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