Travellers Auto Barn Cairns i Cairns City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienTravellers Auto Barn Cairns



🕗 åbningstider

123, Bunda Street, 4870, Cairns City, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 1800 674 374
internet side:
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Latitude: -16.929207, Longitude: 145.773754

kommentar 5

  • Edward Watkinson

    Edward Watkinson


    Great van rental. Kuga is the best van (worth the money).

  • en

    Anton Harringer


    Excellent service and a great car. Drove all the way from Melbourne to Cairns without a problem. The return was smooth, and it took only a few moments. We would without a doubt recomend the form to anyone.

  • synnebaas



    We originally rented a station wagon from Darwin (we wanted a van, but there were none available). The station wagon was great, but just a bit too small for us, so when we reached Cairns, we popped in to the office just to check if maybe they had an extra van available so we could do an upgrade. Less than 24 hours later we were all set in a nice budgie van. The staff here is really helpful and friendly. Amazing service, thanks again!

  • en

    Valentina Carrasco


    Very good the van is super comfortable. In the agency they were very nice at the moment to explain me how it works everything. I'm going from Cairns to Sydney and I think is the best way to do it. Very recommend it. #50585

  • en

    Imogen Paul


    Very friendly and helpful staff who gave us very useful information. We were involved in a road traffic accident and they swapped our car over for us the following day so we could continue with our travels! Would highly recommend.

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