Unico Hair Express i Melbourne

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienUnico Hair Express



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32, Degraves Street, 3000, Melbourne, Melbourne City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 9654 1619
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Latitude: -37.817156, Longitude: 144.965744

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anna Hughes


    I love the team at the Degraves Street salon. Had a fantastic first appointment and will continue to make them my preferred hair dressers. They listen, are friendly and helpful and don't push anything on you.

  • en

    Hanna Bellew


    So happy with my cut and blow dry. Thank you Tracey!

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    Tin Atipanan


    Sophia cut my hair and it’s the best cut I’ve ever had in a long time! She ‘s very friendly and really knows what she’s soing. Will definitely come back!

  • en

    Georgie Keller


    My hair was in desperate need of a cut and I was very weary about trying a new hairdresser. The Unico team made me feel very welcomed and put some much needed life back into my hair without me having to break the bank. So happy with my hair now. Would recommend!

  • Chadley Peerman

    Chadley Peerman


    Not been before to this salon. Very professional, yet personable and friendly service. Listened to what I was wanting and delivered; one of the best haircuts I have ever had. Thank you Tracey!!

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