Universal Body Day Spa i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienUniversal Body Day Spa



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66, Gawler Place, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8232 0333
internet side: www.universalbody.com.au
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Latitude: -34.9236488, Longitude: 138.602029

kommentar 5

  • Rho Sylver

    Rho Sylver


    I looove this place. I came to get a facial and I recieved amazing service. I'm still reeling from the experience and my body feels 10pds lighter. Love love love this place and it's staff. Definitely recommend it.

  • Kirsty Mastrangelo

    Kirsty Mastrangelo


    Lovely place. Wonderful staff. Perfect massage/facial.

  • en

    GAVIN Samuel


    Fantastic. I left feeling so relaxed. Staff were lovely. 😁

  • en

    Marlene Dempster


    I was given a gift of a 3 hour pamper package and loved it. I also paid for a half leg wax ($25) and was very disappointed. I left on holidays the day after and didn't notice until overseas that I still had a lot of hairs on my legs and they were still quite long

  • Kimberley Tilbrook

    Kimberley Tilbrook


    Went in for 1.5 hr massage, facial and manicure with my Mum and best friend. The massage and facial were lovely but I was left less than impressed with my "manicure". I went in with nice long nails and left with them cut almost down to the blood line and they weren't even shaped at all. Just a quick cut and a rough file. Didn't even get a colour put on them. The same thing goes for my Mum too. My friend was the only one who actually got her nails done properly but she had a pedicure. Next time I will save my money and go elsewhere to have my nails done properly.

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