Warragul Pet Emporium i Warragul

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienWarragul Pet Emporium



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133, North Road, 3820, Warragul, Baw Baw Shire, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5622 0888
internet side: warragulpetemporium.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -38.1666253, Longitude: 145.9471276

kommentar 5

  • Jason lethborg

    Jason lethborg


    Lovely staff, very clean place. Great to shop with.

  • en

    Geraldine McLean


    Great range, friendly & helpful staff, I always have a good experience here.

  • Juliette Gallagher

    Juliette Gallagher


    Extremely helpful when I went in with my puppy! Staff definitely know what their talking about and helped educate me and what was best for my pup. Will definitely be a regular now.

  • en

    Caitlin Rutherford


    I have been a loyal customer here for years. I have bought two guinea pigs, a rabbit and our cat here. Our dog was groomed here regularly when that sercice was available here. My family and I have spent thousands of dollars on pet supplies over the years. I did a work experience here in year 9 and loved it. I always pop in for a look at what's available to try to find some good deals for my many pets. Yesterday my young sister and I were followed around the store by a staff member who glared at us our entire visit. Upon leaving our bags were asked to be searched. This is understandable, but there were no apologies for inconvenience or anything thank yous at all, when we clearly hadn't taken anything. For someone with social anxiety this was very distressing and I was made to feel like a criminal. I feel very uncomfortable about the entire situation and am honestly scared to return. I'm honestly very sad that the place I had enjoyed for years, is now somewhere that brings me anxiety. I definitely would not recommend shopping here anymore :(

  • en

    Caitlyn Keep


    Staff know what they're talking about and are so accommodating. I was buying for my puppy and the staff member was so patient with any questions or concerns I had. Made me feel really confident in buying the products.

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