Woolworths i Katherine

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Katherine Terrace, 0850, Katherine, Katherine Municipality, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8973 3100
internet side: www.woolworths.com.au
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Latitude: -14.4657486, Longitude: 132.2651662

kommentar 5

  • Harry Rayeroux

    Harry Rayeroux


    I have to give credit to Woolworths; the stores in Katherine and Nhulunbuy for having kept just about all their prices and weekly specials similar to their Ferntree Gully store in Melbourne despite the extra transport cost involved; especially Nhulunbuy .Well done Wollies!!!!

  • Kerry O'Malley

    Kerry O'Malley


    This store is a joke. I went there 3 days in a row and could not buy any fruit & veg as they had none in the store. They always run out of meat and bread. The quality of the fresh food is something to be desired. The only time the store is fully stocked is the tourist season. How about looking after the locals that shop here. Majority of the staff are miserable and don't care and the waiting time to get to a check out is generally 20+ minutes.

  • en

    Judy Burke


    For the past month the "fresh food people" have had empty shelves in both fruit and vegetables and meat section, the worst I have seen in 20 years of shopping there, in the wet season anyway. And when compared to Darwin at the same time, its abysmal. Getting a bit tired of it all.

  • en

    Konstanze Schroers


    All u need u get. Remember to bring own bags for shopping. No plastic bags in Northern Territories. Bottle shop is guarded like Fort Knox. It's definitely an issue everywhere

  • Ryan Isaacs

    Ryan Isaacs


    Essentially, it's just a Woolworths (probably the only one between Darwin and Alice), but it's also a place you can experience the full range of life in Katherine. We were passing through on a Saturday morning and were informed by a very angry woman they we had taken her parking space. She parks there every week, you see, and we should have known that. You don't get that at every other supermarket.

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