Yarrilee State School i Urraween

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienYarrilee State School


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15, Scrub Hill Road, 4655, Urraween, Fraser Coast Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4197 7111
internet side: yarrileess.eq.edu.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.2894997, Longitude: 152.8051687

kommentar 5

  • natalia charry

    natalia charry


    Our family was relocated from Brisbane to Hervey Bay in a very short notice. I explained to the school that we were going to buy a house within the catchment area in the next couple of month as everyone we had talked to had recommend not just the area but also this school. However because the relocation happened so fast, we had to find a temporary rental in a different area not too far from school while we look for a permanent house. All this was explained to the school and they agree to assist us during the enrollment process. One day before my son supposed to start school, on the day of the interview they mentioned they would not acccept my son any more. Because we were out of the catchment area. Even when they knew this already! They have wasted my time and play with my son's education. I'm assuming education wise this school is ok. But communication wise they sure lack of.

  • tahlia Meier

    tahlia Meier


    I Am In Year 4

  • en



  • bradley smith

    bradley smith


  • Renee Barker

    Renee Barker


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