Bicycle Centre Belmont i Belmont

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBicycle Centre Belmont



🕗 åbningstider

119, High Street, 3216, Belmont, Greater Geelong City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5244 3650
internet side:
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Latitude: -38.172584, Longitude: 144.345364

kommentar 5

  • en

    Will Thomson


    Sold me a faulty bike (merida big 9 40) CANT RETURN waste of money... thanks guys

  • Logan Wilson BMX

    Logan Wilson BMX


    Great place i got my gyro from here it worked so good thanks great service

  • Rhys Eames

    Rhys Eames


    Excellent bike shop, i would say the best in Geelong. If they dont have it instore they can get almost anything in for you.

  • Info Express

    Info Express


    Shane and co are SUPER HELPFUL and go out of their way to find a solution to your bike issues. I've been to every bike store in Geelong, and these guys are easily amongst the best.

  • Leo Stella

    Leo Stella


    Had a major wheel rebuild. Bicycle Centre were professional in what turned out to be a job more complex than originally thought. They persevered and completed the job to an excellent level and quality and were extremely reasonable with the price. I will definitely be back there again.

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