Marshalls Cycles i North Geelong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienMarshalls Cycles



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394, Thompson Road, 3215, North Geelong, Greater Geelong City, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 3 5278 3839
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Latitude: -38.0987415, Longitude: 144.3460431

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maja M


    Took my bike in to be serviced advising that I had a slight problem with shifting gears occasionally and asked that it be checked out...when I rode my bike out of the store it seemed fine. It wasn't the following week. It appeared I wasted my money on a bike service because I'm not confident anything was actually done to my bike. I'm giving two stars because I've been in the store before and got some good advice. Shame they don't know how to service bikes too.

  • en

    Finn Laffy


    Great advice and prices very reliable to purchase from!

  • JD



    Been coming here for years, there's two guys that work/own here, hope you get the taller guy, he's very helpful and friendly, other guy, ummm, not a big fan LOL, pretty grumpy and just walks off into the back randomly. They have the best range of bmx stuff outside of Melbourne though and lots of scooter parts, full scooters, full bmx and mountain bikes,road bikes. Right next to the park indoor skate park.

  • Andy Worland

    Andy Worland


    Excellent service and advice. No high pressure sales just good advice to help you make a good decision. Excellent backup too

  • Adam Israel

    Adam Israel


    Asked for a suspension seat and automatically get laughed at. Followed up with "Oh, you mean a coil seat". Is that not what a coil seat does - provide suspension? So I called it a suspension seat, I didn't know what the correct term was. No wonder retail is dead... I was planning on getting a new seat, oil to clean my chain, mud guards, and new handle grips. We'll over $100. But I'll just go online, watch reviews from pros, and avoid getting a rightious and patranising laugh. Furthermore these guys offer discount coupons online for bike servicing and new bikes. Can I suggest that if they want to combat online, bike servicing and new bikes are the last thing to discount, accessories need the discount.

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