Franklin Central Apartments i Adelaide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienFranklin Central Apartments



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36, Franklin Street, 5000, Adelaide, Adelaide City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 8 8221 7050
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.926827, Longitude: 138.5975671

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sian Murphy


    Stayed there with my bridal party after my hens night and it was so comfortable and quiet. The staff were very helpful and polite.

  • David Kitchen

    David Kitchen


    Nice old world charm good location lift singular is the SLOWEST in captivity. Very annoying especially when staff cleaning. Not their fault but take the stairs its quicker.

  • matthew yeardley

    matthew yeardley


    Only had executive suite available, coffee machine is basically the only addition and it was broken. They take a $100 freeze on your credit card, had no mention of it when booking over the phone and very upset as it shortened my already short budget, they said it will be released within 28 days, the room itself was $145 itself per night, which isn't bad in itself especially considering room size, for $40 more you can get a room at the intercontinental with Room service and a nicer view, bigger bed and all your missing out on is a kitchen, however you also get a bath. All in all its a okay service for when no other option, however the $100 hold should have been announced upon booking, not after they accepted the prepaid booking (which they will not refund under any circumstances regardless of how early cancellation is)

  • Ben Davis

    Ben Davis


    Huge apartment in almost the centre of Adelaide. We stayed in a two bedroom apartment and for a week and have loved it. It’s quiet most of the time (mornings have a bunch of truck deliveries out the front to other businesses) and the place was serviced daily. There’s a vending machine on the ground floor if you get crazy for the nibbles and a cafe 5 steps further down the lobby for breakfast in a hurry. We would stay here again, the rate is great for the three of us (2 + 1 kid) and it’s made short staying in Adelaide that much more pleasant. The beds were comfortable and clean. The bathroom and kitchenette are well appointed and serviceable. It’s slightly dated through out, but we’re not staying here to be stranded in the apartment. We just need somewhere to relax and enjoy doing nothing much after longish days wandering around the city.

  • en



    Lovely apartments with everything you need. Friendly staff and a great location. I would recommend it for everyone. I have no idea about the normal prices though because we got a cheap last minute deal.

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