Sofitel Sydney Wentworth i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienSofitel Sydney Wentworth



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61-101, Phillip Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9228 9188
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8655338, Longitude: 151.2110457

kommentar 5

  • Heta Dawson

    Heta Dawson


    I love this place. The service, the people, the experience is first class. In the heart of the city it's a stones throw away from the everything you need.

  • en

    Mia Jackson


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... Room was ok. Tiny, good bed and well maintained however. Even the cheapest options will get you a little balcony facing their garden. Restaurant seemed overpriced, and being near the middle of Sydney would rather go out to eat. Location is excellent, 10 minute walk to Circular Quay and the Opera House. Beware, the walk back is uphill!! I walked here from a bus stop nearby with a 40lb bag on my back, and walked downhill to the Quay train station in the same situation, so this was important for me. 4 stars for not feeling like a true 5 star hotel, just a nice hotel.

  • en

    Diego Rubio


    Room was ok. Tiny, good bed and well maintained however. Even the cheapest options will get you a little balcony facing their garden. Restaurant seemed overpriced, and being near the middle of Sydney would rather go out to eat. Location is excellent, 10 minute walk to Circular Quay and the Opera House. Beware, the walk back is uphill!! I walked here from a bus stop nearby with a 40lb bag on my back, and walked downhill to the Quay train station in the same situation, so this was important for me. 4 stars for not feeling like a true 5 star hotel, just a nice hotel.

  • Peter Banks

    Peter Banks


    On arrival we had high expectations after standing in awe at the reception area but on entering our hotel room we were disappointed in the size and condition of it. The hotel is starting to show its age, and we did pay good money for our accommodation. Having said that a visit to reception had us moved to a room that was in keeping with the rate we were paying. Staff all very friendly and they made you feel very special. The hotel location is amazing, situated right in the heart of Sydney.

  • Matthew Yoon

    Matthew Yoon


    절대 가지 마세요. 여관방수준도 아닙니다. 베개는 썩은냄새 나고 욕조에는 이상한 부스러기 엘리베이터 소음에 잠을 잘수 없는 수준입니다. 룸을 바꿔달라고 했더니 돈을 더내래요. 그럼 처음부터 " 예약할 룸은 엘리베이터 소음이 심해도 예약하시겠습니까?"라는 질문이 있어야하는 것 아닌가요? 가격에 비해 시설은 웃기는 수준입니다. 이런 호텔에 1점도 아깝습니다. 비 추천합니다

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