The York By Swiss-Belhotel i Sydney

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AustralienThe York By Swiss-Belhotel



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5, York Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9210 5000
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.864542, Longitude: 151.2051287

kommentar 5

  • Helen Williamson

    Helen Williamson


    Excellent large room. Apartment really. Clean. Great hot showers. Comfy bed. once you found out how to park from desk. I it's all good. Close to Wynyard. Easy walk to circular quay. etc. Staff friendly and helpful. And great price for Sydney.

  • en

    Zep Drego


    Good place, located in the middle of the city and has a Domino's location just outside which is ideal. The view is nothing special but the rooms are a good size and everything was clean

  • Zara K

    Zara K


    The hotel is great! Location 5 stars, service 5 stars, coffee in the lobby great but sometimes the machine is out of order. Internet a little slow but still good. In the rooms it will be nice to have some storage boxes for food and scissors. Thanks for hosting us.

  • Chewbacca Working

    Chewbacca Working


    When maintenance is a dirty word, deterioration reins. Tired & neglected, this property provides mankind perfect proof of the scientific theory of entropy, where disorder increases with time. Our memories had been pleasant when we had previously stayed here in 2014, but that, unfortunately, is where the pleasant ends. I booked a suite for us to celebrate my wife's birthday but upon entering the room, the 1970's decor suggested the room was the one in need of a birthday! My photos tell the sad story. The bedroom walls were tattered & crumbling apart from age, the louvred doors separating the bedroom from the TV had warped & scraped off paint. The bathroom tiles were such a bright thermonuclear yellow that you'd have to visit Chernobyl or Fukushima to see a similar shade glowing in the molten slag of the reactor cores. Worse yet, a previous guest had smeared all up one wall what I hoped was lipstick but lacking enough forensics skill, couldn't discount blood as a possibility. The staff at the front desk helpfully apologised and moved us to another room after we got back from dinner. We moved our luggage and things and turned on the air conditioner to tackle the humid heat of the Sydney summer night. The air conditioner tripped out after puffing some barely cool air for a few minutes. Still wanting to salvage the night I reset the circuit breaker, but luck had left the building. Again and again I reset, but each time 4 minutes was all the dusty, gasping unit could manage before shutting down and protesting with a flashing red led. Another few calls & trips down to the helpful front desk saw us packing up, dressing and moving to a third room at 11:30pm, never what I would have scripted for a "perfect birthday celebration" for my beloved. In the 100s of hotels I have stayed in, I have only had to move rooms on two occasions and never to three rooms in the same hotel. Clapped out facilities. With so many other places to stay in Sydney, don't add to the chaos! One Star.

  • S K

    S K


    Fabulous place. I give it 5 stars not because it’s 5 Star accommodation, but because for the money I paid it deserves this rating. I booked an unfurnished studio room with a balcony. Easily the biggest room in Sydney for this price (I had a really low budget and wanted a balcony). Yes it’s old and a bit run down. But it’s clean and comfortable with full kitchen and separate bath /shower. So much room. I love it and will definitely be back.

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