Golden West Motor Inn i Dubbo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienGolden West Motor Inn



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87, Cobra Street, 2830, Dubbo, Dubbo City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6882 2822
internet side:
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Latitude: -32.2543775, Longitude: 148.6078978

kommentar 5

  • Vinoth Mohan

    Vinoth Mohan


    It's my second time staying in this place. The bed is very comfy. I would recommend anyone

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    David Ernest Cook


    Great service . All staff helpfull right down to the younger staff.Close to all you need and a short walk into centre.Huge bed no stirring of others.

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    ruby costello


    Quiet rooms, great service with nice food in the restaurant. Comfortable beds! Will definitely stay again!!

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    Adam Jarvis


    I'd give negative stars if it was possible.. 1. the traffic is loud, making it hard to sleep. 2.Poor security- we had possessions remove from our room in the middle of the night (door was locked).. and when I questioned about security cameras, there reply was "sorry where the cameras are there was not enough lighting. So cars, room doors, reception and pool basically have no security so your entering at your own risk. 3. Customer service was very poor, no sincerity, just got a cold feeling from the staff that I dealt with. 4. . The pool was very grimy and slippery. 5. On the plus side the beds were very comfy. But anyway thankyou for everything?

  • Lyn Kitawal

    Lyn Kitawal


    Large room & bathroom. Good size shower. Good beds, plenty of desk/bench space. Tv, kettle, bar fridge, microwave, kettle, tea & coffee, no biscuits. Restaurant. Conveniently located near fast food outlets. Friendly receptionist, reasonable price. Older motel which has been renovated.

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