Homestead Motel i Dubbo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienHomestead Motel


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101, Cobra Street, 2830, Dubbo, Dubbo City Council, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 6882 4944
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Latitude: -32.254783, Longitude: 148.609103

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Styles


    Great little place with friendly helpful hosts

  • en

    Amy Ewald


    Motel is run down, dirty and over priced. They are attempting to update and if it were clean this may have helped.

  • en

    Phil Jarman


    Good big rooms, queen bed reasonably comfortable, reasonable rate, shower water pressure not very good. Friendly. I would stay again.

  • Zoe-lea Whiting

    Zoe-lea Whiting


    The hotel was booked by my work for a short meeting I was attending. I certainly wouldn't have booked this place myself and probably wouldn't stay again. The reception staff barely spoke English, but seemed nice enough. The rooms are very old, but reasonably clean and the bathrooms have been updated. I would suggest they hop to updating the rest of the rooms as they are in desperate need of it. Lots of mismatched furniture and very old appliances. For my short stay it was reasonable but I would suggest no longer than one night.

  • en

    Ace Skoorb


    VERY DISAPPOINTING, i paid $800 for 3 nights and two of which we didn't sleep as the hotel was full of grown men that stayed up and drank a lot of alcohol and there was also drug use as they were all talking loudly about it and being extremely loud until 3-4am only to wake up at 5am and start again complaints were made but nothing was done about it at all. I have 3 small children that couldn't sleep and were scared we couldn't even go and stay else where as everything was booked out, the motel had a 3 star rating but doesn't even deserve half a star, he wouldn't give any kind of refund, couldn't even apologise for what happened and I definitely would not recommend staying here EVER and we will be taking this further ONLY DOING ONE STAR SO I CAN POST MY REVIEW 😡

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