Meriton Suites World Tower, Sydney i Sydney

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AustralienMeriton Suites World Tower, Sydney



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95, Liverpool Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 8263 7500
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Latitude: -33.876613, Longitude: 151.206883

kommentar 5

  • en

    wowee 10


    We stayed in a 3 bedroom suite on the 77th floor, the rooms were large and clean, the beds were soft and comfy, excellent facilities and great friendly service. The pool and spa are amazing and big.

  • Kari Yu

    Kari Yu


    Location is great right in the middle of the city. Close to many stations townhall, central, museum all good walking distance. Situated between central and town hall convenient. Very clean and tidy. You would expect this much from the pricing

  • shantanu dutt

    shantanu dutt


    These are serviced apartments with really nice rooms. The location is amazing and really close to public transport. They also have on site parking but it's mainly full. Over all a great place to say for work or on holidays with family.

  • Joseph Wu

    Joseph Wu


    Super enjoy ourselves in the top penthouse. Incredible view and with adequate equipments to travel easier(dryer washer and coffee machine and kitchen). Fantastic location, you can go anywhere easily. Super Recommend.

  • Leonard Low

    Leonard Low


    My favourite place to stay while holidaying in Sydney. Close to all the action, with amazing skyscraper views over the city - so I usually request a room on the top floors. Lovely, modern, apartment rooms with bedrooms, living area and kitchenettes - a home away from home for me!

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