QT Sydney i Sydney

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AustralienQT Sydney



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49, Market Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 8262 0000
internet side: www.qthotelsandresorts.com
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Latitude: -33.8708902, Longitude: 151.2074116

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Eliza

    Sarah Eliza


    Really love the entire QT experience and always leave feeling super cool. Struggled in the bathroom lighting to do my makeup and just found the room a bit too dark during the day even with every single light on. Great restaurant and the club sandwich room service was delicious!

  • christian anders

    christian anders


    Love this hotel. Great restaurant/bar/rooms/ambience. Bar service can be slow; can you be too committed to the perfect cocktail? I suspect not!

  • Ben Aucutt

    Ben Aucutt


    Not your average hotel, the decor is unique and different but in a cool and good way. The room and amenities were just right. The location was perfect right in the CBD and close to everything. We were able to take the train from the airport and walk 3 min to the hotel. Hotel staff were nice and knowledgeable and let us know about things to do not just in the area but all over the city. I would definitely pick QT again.

  • David Morrison

    David Morrison


    I loved everything about this place. Rooms cool and sophisticated. Staff good. Didn't have to park so not sure how that would work. Great location. Food in the bistro was top shelf.

  • Alister McLeod

    Alister McLeod


    I really enjoyed the artistic and quirky environment. The staff were very helpful and friendly. The room had a bath and the wall opened up from the bathroom into the bedroom, which you may enjoy. Great central location by George Street -- minutes from Town Hall Station via the Queen Victoria Building shopping mall. Lift to your room floor from the ground level directly off Market Street. Recommended.

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