4WD Hire Cairns i Cairns City

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Australien4WD Hire Cairns



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Shop 5 in Traveltown, 21-25 Lake Street, Cairns City QLD 4870, Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 7 4051 1120
internet side: www.4wdhirecairns.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -16.924929, Longitude: 145.777711

kommentar 5

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    Scott Hennessy


    Very helpful and knowledgeable staff, knew all the ins and outs of the vehicle i was hiring and had some great tips on 4wd tracks.

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    Outrageously rude staff for no reason. I have just visited their office to ask about hiring a 4WD vehicle for a day to go on the Bloomfield Track then come back on the CREB Track. The two ladies on the right were trying to confirm if it was possible (thank you for your help), but the bare-footed, condescending, and arrogant lady at the first desk on the left kept interrupting and said that it has been a company policy for 8 years not to allow one-day rentals. I told her that I thought their website said that 1-6 day hire was possible if you don’t go further than Cooktown. She said that we can go back and forth but it won’t change their policy. She said it didn’t matter what I saw on the website as a new person has taken over managing the site and she is not up to date with her tasks. She added that “If you have a vehicle, you are more than welcome to trash it on the CREB Track but not our vehicles.” I am not sure why it was necessary for her to say this nor do I know how can I trash a 4WD if I hire it for a day but not trash it if I hire if for 2 days. If no one-day rentals are available, fair enough. But why be condescending to a customer making an enquiry for absolutely no reason? I really felt belittled by her. Hopefully, this review will help her improve her customer service skills and she will be nicer to future customers.

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    Catherine Cowell


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    Rebecca Cooper


    Our experience with 4WD drive hire Cairns was pleasurable and very simple . We picked up our 4WD drive van up from the airport and it was very simple and easy with all the instructions we were given . Our van was spacious and just as described by the friendly and helpful staff. We returned the van to the airport and was as simple as when we picked it up . We will definitely be hiring a 4WD van from here again . March 2017

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    Lydia Arnold


    We hired a 4wd Campervan and took it to Cape York. The van was perfect and the staff were very helpfull when it come to answering all our questions about what to see and how long we should take getting to Cape York and back.

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