Australian Federal Police i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienAustralian Federal Police


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110, Goulburn Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9286 4000
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8782449, Longitude: 151.2103352

kommentar 5

  • Daniel L J Hearn

    Daniel L J Hearn


    These guys are the real police in this country, not just glorified revenue collectors like the standard government thugs. They stop terrorism and the real nasty stuff from going on. If you have any real problems, these are the ones that will fix it.

  • en

    Christopher Banks


    Because without the work of this group things would not be as good as things are! I like the Lights working, the water taps flowing, trains working, supermarkets not empty, schools teaching, parks barbecues, no Bombs or machine guns going off, useable roads and transport, Hospitals with roofs and staff-and knowing that where I live I'll wake up tomorrow-unless an act of God deems otherwise. In short Australia could be far worse without these guys efforts.

  • en

    Red Bull


    Just make me a federal officer and I'll make every thing better on this level I'm stuck on need yous to give me what I need to finish this magic level.if you really want to know yous r like gold!!!

  • Boodi Tabikh

    Boodi Tabikh


    Cop wanted to play the staring game I got intimidated and lost And he progressed to make his way towards me with handcuffs😓😢 I'm legally blind btw…

  • slimeydoughnut11



    My farther is abusing me

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