Balmain Police Station i Balmain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienBalmain Police Station


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368, Darling Street, 2041, Balmain, Leichhardt Municipal Council, AU Australien
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9556 0624
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.856613, Longitude: 151.177322

kommentar 5

  • Lina Leng

    Lina Leng



  • en

    tony malony


    I know exactly what you’re talking doesn’t pay to be a Good Samaritan these days...and some of these police that sit behind a desk aren’t as sweet and godly as you would like to attitude with a giant chip...holier than thou ....if you see or hear something don’t bother getting involved

  • Ruxandra Balcangiu

    Ruxandra Balcangiu


    Came in with my partner to bring a wallet someone had forgotten?/ dropped? on a couch abandoned in the middle of the road, and I was treated by this lady constable J Guthrie (/Gunthrie..?) like I was a criminal, not like someone trying to do the right thing. Intimidations, rudeness in the tone, an insinuation that I was lying (unsure what I would have to lie about, returning some dude a wallet with all his documents and money) simply because I said I couldn’t remember the name of the street I had found it on - and when I asked where I could put through an official complaint I was yelled at and asked to “get out of my police station”.

  • en

    Anthony Berrick


    Friendly, professional, and responsive. Very happy that this is my local police station.

  • Chui-Ting Lee

    Chui-Ting Lee


    Super friendly police and staff.

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