Surry Hills Police Station i Surry Hills

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienSurry Hills Police Station


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151-241, Goulburn Street, 2010, Surry Hills, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9265 4144
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8797151, Longitude: 151.2134627

kommentar 5

  • Ana Amado

    Ana Amado


    -10 stars would be the appropriate. When you go to the police station to be clarified regarding a specific subject that apparently it can only be done online and after questioning the officer( which apparently can’t be done) I’m being looked with intimidating eyes by the officer and shouted to have a nice day and leave the station.. left the place in tears .. so disappointed.. never tough this could happen in Australia

  • Robert Wilson

    Robert Wilson


    Main command centre for policing services located in the heart of Surry Hills

  • en

    James Fleming


    Useless police officers. One star is too high

  • glyn suller

    glyn suller


    Its been my experience that if you do the right thing by the police the same will be done for you. We need the police or all anarchy will break loose. The staff are firm but helpful.

  • Daniel Spillane

    Daniel Spillane


    The whole place is disgusting. I wouldn't send my enemy there.

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