Sydney City Police Station i Sydney

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AustralienSydney City Police Station


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192, Day Street, 2000, Sydney, Council of the City of Sydney, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 2 9265 6499
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.8753573, Longitude: 151.2039298

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Lynch


    Very good ! I rang them from Adelaide and they really listened and really too me seriously wish all states in Australia are doing such good job like these ones 😢

  • en

    Matthew Powell


    Hi just like to say i had a great time with u guys on new years eve i was in cosplay i finnished working at a games arvo so i was celebrating as master chief from halo, and i approached u guys to ask is it ok to wear helmet still as its an id issue and u guys asked me its best to take off but threre was more than 50 people wanting to take photo so they let put helmet on than more people wanted photo so they laughed and me and the officers shook hands and gave 5s and i was ok to keep on bcos probably i was the only 7ft cosplayer haha so i didnt abuse the privilege and in the end i hade more than 200 people with me and dancing with me all the way to wynard it was great i was great i made the peoples night great it was a fantastic 2018 so officers thank u for being true officers and now i feel more comfortable to bring ironman and optimis prime to the city

  • Ant P

    Ant P


    I dealt with Kate and she was the most pleasant and patient person I have encountered in a very long time. Highly recommend seeing her for any of your requirements!

  • en

    BlakWidow Tia


    Called up about using the JP service and Kate was fantastic. Very helpful in trying to help me locate one as they didn't have a JP anymore.

  • Calum Meiklejohn

    Calum Meiklejohn


    I ordered a big Mac and three coffees but the meat was cold. The coffees were good though so I ordered another one. Probably should have only had three though. Friendly staff took my order really well.

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