JUCY Car Rental and Campervan Hire Cairns i Portsmith

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AustralienJUCY Car Rental and Campervan Hire Cairns



🕗 åbningstider

55, Dutton Street, 4870, Portsmith, Cairns Regional, AU Australia
kontakter telefon: +61 1800 150 850
internet side: www.jucy.com.au
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -16.928288, Longitude: 145.7747189

kommentar 5

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    Michal Belak


    Amazing. We hired campervan. Had some problems with car because someone didnt bring car on time and was not ready. Therefore We waited and got some extra stuff for free camping chairs table and when dropped off van. We got a complimentary taxi to get to our hostel 😎😁. See ya soon guys

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    Matthew Housiaux


    Would not use again, messed up the booking and had multiple other issues including a dirty windscreen that made it hard to see at night time. Charged me for returning the car unfilled when it was full. Stick with the big car hire firms.

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    Cuba Libre


    How ridiculous is that. They write me an E-Mail that drop off can be busy and I should plan more time. Opening time till 2 pm. At 12:50 pm everything nicely closed😂😅 the cars are quite a good value for money but the service... before they told me to sign something.mh now I'm gone. Or in Jucy words: A big jucy goodbye 👋😅

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    Kelly Wouter Samen


    Don't expect a perfect and new car for that price. But if you consider that, this is the company to go with. It is a no-nonsense camper rental. Nice people and very nice little campervans.

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    Maya Holding


    Best value car rental we could find in Cairns. Very fair policy's with full to full as standard and zero excess options available at a good price. Friendly staff, flexible return and good quality car. Would definitely use again.

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